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Saturday, October 25, 2014

 Choosing the Israeli poets.

From the introduction to the book:
"Poets  have always been interpreters of dreams and harbingers of things to come."
"In Israel, the first rain - yoreh - falls at the end of a long, hot, arid summer. Then a transformation begins. The parched land is suddenly covered by green mantle of grasses and plants. And a great sense of rejuvenation is heralded by the brief, transparent autumn. Thr Hebrew New Year is at the gate. This is a season of soul searching, of reckoning and atonement, but also of expectation and promise."

The book, After the First Rain, is a collection of poems chosen from the writings of many , known Israeli poets and translated into English. For few days I read it trying to decide which poets and what poems to use for this presentation. At the end I decided to limit myself to one poet, thinking it will be more effective to show the work of one than many sporadic poems of many. The poet I chose was Yehuda Amichai

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